Friday 18 January 2013

Have you ever falling in love, Miss?

Always… After I finished explaining English material at classroom, the casual question that I ask to my students is, “Is there any question?”

Well, see what I’ve got today...

FYI, the topic of 11th grade of Senior High School is all about expressing love and adventure of love. In the end of period at class when students and I’ve done reading somewhat love story, one of my students asked me,

“May I ask something?”
“Yes, of course. What’s that?”
“Have you ever falling in love?”

Oh, My God! Excuse me what? Like I’ve got a shot right through a bolt of blue.

“Hey, it’s such a very difficult question for me,” I answered.
“Oh, come on, Miss... It’s only a ‘YES-NO’ question. It is that easy,” shouted another.
“Okey...,” take a deep breath,
“Well..., I have,” I smiled.

My answer has rocked the class, then…

“Okey then...tell us, Miss...,” the other student asked me.
“How it feels, Miss?” shouted another.
“You said that it’s only a ‘YES-NO’ question, huh...?” I replied.
“Yes, it actually is, Miss.... The first point is multiple choice question, but the second point is an essay that needs explanation.”

J smart students… Thanks God for having them all.

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