Monday, 28 January 2013

Yay! We Bring Home the Trophy!

January, 27th 2013; Borobudur Hotel became the witness of our battle. We, troops of SMA IT Ihsanul Fikri has completely done with our mission on JSIT competition, in the level of Jawa Tengah. But, we know that it is not the end of our journey. There’s still a long path to go.

Seven throphies we brought home! Congratulation goes to...

First, the biology teacher, great trainer, my roommate, my best partner ever, Ms. Eka Nur Apiyah, S.Pd for her achievement being the winner of “Kreatifitas Mengajar”. So, ready for flying to Palembang for national level, then... well, here I am...ready for supporting you. Don’t worry, it’s not for free...hahaha...kidding... if you need a camera(wo)man, just tell me. Or you need a photographer to accompany you to Palembang, I’m ready for that. Just, let me see my schedule first... :D

Second, my lovely one, Nadia Izzatunnisa for becoming second runner up of Mutsabaqoh Hifdzil Qur’an. Fighting Izza for the rest section of Al-Qur’an. I do believe you can do that.

Third, my charming one, Ilma Fitria Nurika for being second runner up of English Speech Contest. After having our so-called adventurous practice in front of classes, in front of seniors, Mujahidat, green field, and such a crazy place, finally you proved it! Just enjoy every miles and consider all of your time as quality time.

Fourth, my georgeous pupils come from 10th and 11th grade for Accapela Nasyid. Well well well, all of you... just pack your lugage and go to Palembang then! Fahriza Galih Adhitama, Doni Adi Putra, Dita Ian Arumansyah, Atnanta Mada Samodra, Muhammad Rosyid Ridho, and Rahmat Agus Wibowo.

Fifth, my stunning ones, Ilham Hamiddin, Dzaky Sholihin, and Muhammad Rosyid, for becoming first runner up of “Lomba Cerdas Cermat”. That’s great! You can beat all the questions, even the most difficult ones. So awesome, isn’t it?

Sixth, my troublesome but amorous one, indeed, Ahmad Hirzi Fadlillah Tovani. Spending those past two weeks with somewhat joyful rehearsal was such taking a deep breath sometimes. But that’s paid by bringing home the first runner up trophy. So, this is what you would like to take as a gift to your Mom, right?! I’m waiting for “the winner trophy”.

The last but not least, here I am, who bring the first runner up trophy for “Alat Peraga Edukatif” competition (wait...don’t abbreviate the title of the competition, please... “-___-) Well, I call it an accident achievement, actually, not that surprised. Altough I felt desperate at first, wanna go home, and skip the presentation, but finally a sound from deep inside myself, told me, “NO! You have to go, accomplish this! being winner, not loser!” Yeah, it the redeem is.

If I could have speech, first and foremost I would like to thanks to Allah for His great scene he created. My mommy and daddy, who always pray for me and wait for me to come home; Mr. Jamal, who gives me this chance; Mrs. Yuvita, who just trust me to pass this all; all the teachers who always supporting me; all my amorous pupils, without you  all I can’t be that tuff; and not to mention thanks for those to creatures; Aslam Noor Alian and Farchan Bachtiar for helping me accomplish the mission.

Wanna shout this loud, “GREAT SPIRIT, MARVELOUS ACHIEVEMENT, AND OUR DREAM COMES TRUE!” with my amorous pupils, Ilma, Izza, Pingkan, Achong, Hirzi, Hamiddin, Ochid, Jacim, Doni, Samo, Galih, Dita, Rosyid, Agus, “TAKE ACTION AND MIRACLE WILL HAPPEN!”



    1. Well,we're waiting others trophy to bring home :)
