Wednesday 10 April 2013

(Choco)Late Night Small Talk

Basket ball field of Ihsanul Fikri Boarding School, after Isya, the end of March...

Alpha Orion

Student          : Nah, Miss! Finally, I find you here. I was looking for you everywhere.
Teacher          : Yes, I’m avoiding you everywhere :D
Student          : Oh, please...
Teacher          : How you can find me here?
Student          : The GPS told me :D
Teacher          : Bingo!
Student          : I’d like to ask you about something, Miss.
Teacher          : Yes, please...
Student          : Look up there, Miss! Right up above Daar El Istiqomah!
Teacher          : Uh-huh...
Student          : What’s that?
Teacher          : I guess it is Venus.
Student          :Oh, is it?
Teacher          : Brush up the Astronomy Callendar, then... What date is it today?
Student          : March, 28.
Teacher          : Exactly. This is the day on which Venus Superior Conjunction held.
Student          : Oh, I got it. Thank you, Miss.
Teacher          : You’re welcome. Anyway, what’s the purpose of looking for me, then?
Student          : Nope. I’d just like to ask you about that thing.
Teacher          : Omaigad... Okay, then... come here! Sit down! Look up there!
Student          : Where?
Teacher          : Right up above us.
Student          : Awesome!
Teacher          : Guess, what!
Student          : It must be Orion constellation.
Teacher          : Mention the stars!
Student          : That’s Bellatrix, That one’s Salph, then Rigel, and...missing one...
Teacher          : What’s that?
Student          : Betelgeuse...
Teacher          : Where it must be?
Student          : There.
Teacher          : Where it should be now?
Student          : It should be there.
Teacher          : Now, it’s here.
Student          : Hah?!
Teacher          : Sitting beside you.
Student          : “-___-
Teacher          : Haha... Well, I think it’s going to be too late.
Student          : Yes, and I have to get back to Masjid to have studying with friends.
Teacher          : Yeah, just go then...
Student          : And, so do you. Don’t you need some sleep?
Teacher          : No.
Student          : But it’s already late night, Miss.
Teacher          : Nah! That’s it.
Student          : I don’t understand.
Teacher          : When does the star start working?
Student          : At night.
Teacher          : When does the star shine?
Student          : At night.
Teacher          : You got it, then...
Student          : You mean..?
Teacher        : Star doesn’t need sleep sleep at night J So, if you want to leave, just leave.
Student          : No, without you.
Teacher          : Just go ahead!
Student          : I can’t leave you alone here.
Teacher          : Don’t worry about me. I’m accustomed to be alone.
Student          : I hate to say goodbye, Miss... So, you have to go first.
Teacher          : I’ll go after you.
Student          : No.
Teacher          : Just go.
Student          : No.
Teacher          : Stubborn.
Student          : Yes.
Teacher          : What if we’re leaving together?
Student          : Aha! Good idea.
Teacher          : Well, don’t turn your head before we finished couning to one hundred.
   So, we won’t see each of us leaving.
Student          : Deal... Good night, Miss!
Teacher          : Good night!


  1. hello miss, would you like to tell me which one is aquarius constellation? the sky is very clear tonight

  2. hi, mr. spiderman, eh superman...
    look up there...
    no no no... but there...
    yes, right!
