Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Teacher’s Holiday Season

.:: Well, it is (not) a new post, actually. Instead of it’s redundant queeing a long time on my draft, it’s better to post it, then... though, it’s almost close to the even holiday season::.

The life and time being a teacher some kind of wonderful thing. Though there is almost no vacation on holiday season, enjoying every miles in such great agendas are called holiday season for me.

December 15th was the day for the students received their result of the study in the odd semester all a long. It means that it was the end of the first semester in the academic year of 2012/2013. Howh...see! You’ll find millions expression here. Congratulation my amorous pupils. Have a nice holiday then...

All hardworks have been paid. Goodbye overnight works! ^^, I have a day for sleep along before a long trip to “Selamat” Modern Boarding School Kendal *whoops*

Monday, December 17th 2012
This was a blue print of our trip to Kendal.

The teachers of SMA IT Ihsanul Fikri gathered in front of Medical Room waited the bus that would bring us to Selamat, Kendal *eh* I mean, we were waited by the bus. Yeah, that’s it! It was 07:11 am when the bus left Ihsanul Fikri. Here is Mrs. Budi by my side. We were having beat in the bush all along the way.

Teachers of SMA IT Ihsanul Fikri

Tuesday - Thursday; December 18th - 20th 2012

Well, yay! I’ve got holiday then... \(^^,)/
Hey wait, there was a duty letter on my desk. Hmmm, a duty to have some kinda workshop. Let’s see the date. 18 to 20. Do you see a crash schedule, then... =,= Ok, fine... :)

Seems like, ummm.... I’ve got most of seniors there. When we were divided into the specific major, here a bit conversation’s going...
“Ma’am, how long you’ve been teaching?” I asked.
“Six years,”
“And you, Miss?” I asked to another.
“Two years,”
“How about you, Sir?”
“One and a half,”
“And you yourself?” they asked in return.
“Not much different with you Ma’am... Six... Six month,”

The day after workshop, I took a redeem going home. Three days home. So, when the other teachers had headed back to the dorm, I headed back home. Well, I also had a visit from my amorous pupils :)

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