Tuesday 14 January 2014

And the “Spirit” Carries on... *eh

I’ve just remembered the thing that happened about a few moments ago. It went to English final exam at that time. Like how it used to be, we always studied together at the night before.

The time and place were fixed, and we’re there. We chose one classroom we considered a comfortable place to study at 8 o’clock.

It’s about few minutes past eight at night. We started. And about forty minutes toward... suddenly the lamp went out.



Oh, God, it’s only a little chapter more remaining. Ah, come on... please... pretty please...

Some of students were back to dorm. Yet, look out there! Some of them kept staying there, outside classroom, hoping it would end soon. Well, I asked them then, “So, what we’re gonna do then? In a situation like this...”

One that I couldn’t believe was... With their mesmerizing eyes, said then, “We’ll be here.” Well, yea... they chose to stay, continued studying. Studied in the dark. More than that...they used flashlight ––that they borrowed from someone else–– as the light. Directed it to where I moved when they didn’t understand something that I tried to explain. I apreciated, I admired their spirit to learn :’)

We’re done with it! And the result...It’s deserved with what we have fought for...

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