Monday 9 December 2013

Best Part of Melbourne the Novel (Verse #1)

It’s all about friendship...

Hi, dear friend over there!

It has been a very long time we don’t see each other. How's life been treating you? I’ll be always waiting your arrival in the “City of Hope” (If only I'm still being here in couple days more). I keep your promise.

This post is specially dedicated for you. I’ve given you my words, and this is now I prove it.
I took some parts of these writing from Track 6: Collide. It just because it’s so you...

Basically, all about what I wanna say, I’ve written on the rainbow paper I gave to you before you leave.

Hey, wait a sec! You promise me you'll be here with me. Accompany me. Through these all together. But now, how dare you! You owe me one for leaving me alone here... Remember! I will go and find you to make you pay this... *lol*

Well, here we go...

“I’m surprised, many good things happened to my best buddy. She doesn’t go and find good things. Good things go and find her. Well, not to blame, if there are a lot of girls don’t like her, just because ‘she just happens to be lucky’. She has a cool part time job.  Yeah, as her friend, I might be the one who don’t consider it as a big deal. It’s not a mistake if I was not born to be her, I’m not her, and I don’t need to be her. She’s kind, indeed. Between us, it’s not important to discuss who’s beautiful, who’s smart, and so... We’re friends, we’re buddies, we’re sisters. We support each other. When one’s down, another strengthen... We never fight for some unnecessary thing unworthy to fight for... Although, we have a different taste on every single thing. From a tiny thing to the huge one. But, we never take it as a problem that will burden our relationship. Once, or twice, we’ve ever fought for a very tiny thing, but it doesn’t last for long time. It comes to a joke, then...”

Dear, you...

I miss you, I really do...
...although sometimes you are really annoying v(^^,)

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