Saturday 17 November 2018


Yay! This is the first time our little “big boss” has his first train. It was also my dream since a very long, long time ago to bring my baby with us having traveling, since both of us love traveling that much. And well, bringing baby goes with us was so challenging, just like what we had imagined, but it was more thrilling.

First, of course the luggage we bring. When I traveled alone, backpack and sling bag were enough for me. But now, see what we have! My baby was with me on the carrier, and also with cooling bag. Look what happened to Papah! He brought her backpack, mine, and royal navy overnighter which full of our little “big boss” stuff. Wow, so strong Papah! :D

Second, as our home is in the middle of nowhere of Surakarta, when we ordered online taxi, we have to wait for a quite long time. So, after we were all already ready, we needed to wait for approximately 6 minutes for the driver came to pick up.

We got on Prambanan Express from Solo Balapan train station and arrived in Tugu Yogyakarta train station. IDR 8000 for each of us, and our little “big boss” hadn’t had his ticket yet coz he’s still 6 months years old. Being with my 16,4 pounds baby, it was a free gym all along the trip.

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