Saturday 17 November 2018


The smell of petrichor and the sound sleep of my baby inspired me to write again. Now the day #10 a.k.a. the last day challenge of this month, nevertheless, my writing hasn’t reached the 10th days of the challenge yet. LOL. It is also the last day of us to stay in Jogjakarta before we move to Surakarta. Another episode is waiting for us. After six months we stayed with help of our parents, we have to meet the challenges tomorrow, all by ourselves. No matter what will come afterwards we have to be ready.

            And the routine before we left is packing the luggage, just like always. After we unpacked all the stuffs we brought from Temanggung to Jogjakarta, it is the time to pack again and again. Even, there were a lot of bags that we hadn’t unpacked yet from its seal. How life could be like a courier who packs and delivers the stuffs by all alone hoh… :’D

            We plan to leave for Surakarta on Sunday, so Mamih could drove us till in front of the door of our home in Surakarta. Then we went before noon, so it anticipate us from possibility of rain.

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