Wednesday 14 November 2018


It was the last day to complete the research at school. Though the online supervision is still ongoing, but the feeling would be different. I had to enter classroom by 9 am. It took about an hour to get there from Temanggung, since the locations of the schools are in Magelang. I left home by 7 am. I left our little “big boss” with my mom. But, today he was not only with her, he was accompanied by Papah and his Onty too… 6 months of the toughest days… I left him for a half day or 4 days for the longest. It’s hard thou. But I am pretty sure it won’t either last forever or any longer. It’s soon to be ended. We would be three altogether, as soon as my academic project ended.

Gratefully, our little “big boss” was not spoiled at all. When he was with his grandma and I was not able to be with him all day. He almost never cried for any reason. That’s the thing that can’t be replaced by anything. It was six months with no drama. And this is chapter one; 6 months living in Temanggung. Tomorrow, we will start our new chapter, living in another bigger city located in the other province. Well, we have to pack our stuffs right now. We will come back with another story in our new chapter tomorrow insyaallah.

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