Monday 12 November 2018


It was November 2nd. It means that my research project must be done within 24 hours. No more addition time! It’s a fixed price, no bargaining. Well, time management is also a big deal for me, up to now. What a day! There were still un-ironed clothes, laundry, un-swept floor, un-changed bedcover! Me, myself was too overcrowded with the questionnaire sheet for my research project, schedule for the conference, un-fixed paper, the content of media, the schedule to visit schools out of town for my research project,  packing the goods to bring, and of course babysit my one and only. Oh, please don’t look at me coz I believe I’d be like a hobo.

That day, Papah came and picked us up to move to Jogja by 4th and stayed there for a week. Oh, Papah, so sorry for the mess… Please Papah please, I’ll treat you nas igoreng mawut, then… :D

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